Echo Electric Motors


Quick Motor Tips Replacement Motors and Parts

1. Catalog Number, Model Number and/or Spec Number We are able to cross reference motors with brands that we stock when provided with this informa on. It also helps us know exactly what you need. X If you can get a picture of the nameplate(s) and a picture of the en re motor, that is very helpful. 2. Horsepower, Voltage, RPM and Frame Size The frame tells us a lot about the motor, how the motor mounts, the sha diameter, the sha height and more. 3. The Application of the Motor How is the motor being use? Farm duty, industry? What type of moun ng such as close coupled, belt driven, ver cal mount with sha up or down, or standard horizontal mount? Is the motor being used in an indoor or outdoor applica on? 4. The Enclosure TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled), TENV (Totally Enclosed Non-Ven lated), ODP (Open Drip Proof), etc. This is important because of how the motor is designed to cool itself. 5. Is the Motor Explosion Proof? If not, is it in a loca on that now requires explosion proof applica on? If so, what groups , classes and divisions are required for the loca on? Some motors may have been grandfathered in but now require an explosion proof motor, such as grain elevator applica ons. All of these things help Echo to help you. Ul mately providing our Echo customers with be er service, fewer problems in the field and fewer returns. BALDOR requires that we provide a spec number for any parts, including capacitors. The best way for capacitors is to get the microfarads and voltage off of the old capacitor. Measure the caps diameter and height. We stock a large line of capacitors. Baldor will not talk about parts without the spec number. LEESON requires that we provide the motor catalog number and the date code for parts, including capacitors. The best way for capacitors is to get the microfarads and voltage off of the old capacitor. Measure the caps diameter and height. Leeson will not talk about parts without the date code. It is more difficult to get parts from other motor manufacturers, but we would basically need the same manufacturer required informa on to try. X Motor manufacturers are only required to keep informa on for 5 to 10 years. Some of them have a good data base for their older motors, however, the parts tend to be obsolete if too old. CAPACITORS The microfarads and voltage are important, but so is the physical size of the capacitor. It needs to fit in the space provided (such as under the cap cover) or in the control box. Length and diameter will insure the proper fit. Addressing Motor Parts All motor manufacturers have different requirements when it comes to replacement parts.


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