Echo Electric Motors
Common Motor Types & Typical Applica ons - con nued
Farm Duty High Torque & Extra High Torque Rigid Base Mount & C Face Less Base ▪ ▪ Severe agricultural equipment applica ons requiring high torques under adverse opera ng condi ons such as low temperatures. X Agricultural Fan Duty Resilient & Rigid Base Mount Single & Three-Phase TEAO ▪ ▪ ▪ Dust- ght fan and blower duty motors for sha -mounted or belt-driven fans. The motor depends upon the fan's air flow to cool itself. X Feed-Auger Drive Motors Single-Phase ▪ Dust- ght auger motors eliminate damage caused when the motor is over-speeded by obstructed auger. Special flange mounts directly to the auger gear reducer. X Hatchery/Incubator Fan Motors Band Mounted Single-Phase TEAO ▪ ▪ ▪ Replacement for use on poultry incubator fans. Includes extended through bolts for a aching farm shroud. X Feather Picker Motors Rigid Mount Three-Phase TEFC ▪ ▪ ▪ Washdown-duty motor replaces the MEYN drive motor of a processing machine that removes feathers from poultry. X Milk Transfer Pump Motors Rigid Base Single-Phase TENV ▪ ▪ ▪ Replacement in dairy milk pumps. X Grain S rring Motors Rigid Base Single-Phase TEFC ▪ ▪ ▪ Designed to operate inside agricultural storage bins for s rring grain, corn, and other agricultural products during the drying and storage process. X Irriga on Drive Motors C Face Less Base Three-Phase TEFC ▪ ▪ ▪ For center pivot irriga on systems exposed to severe weather environments and opera ng condi ons. Drives the tower that propels sprinklers in a circle around the well. X Severe Duty & IEEE 841 Motors Designed to meet severe environments that you might find in chemical plants, foundries, paper and pulp mills or waste management facili es. IEEE-841 motors meet IP56 enclosure protec on and approved for USCG Marine Duty, AP1, RP14F for offshore pla orms. Elevator Motors Submersible Hydraulic Elevator Pump Motors Used in elevator systems for applica ons in hydraulic passenger, service, freight and low-rise elevators. X Hydraulic Elevator Pump Motors Used in hydraulic pump passenger, service, freight and dumbwaiter low-rise elevators. X VVVF (Variable Voltage Variable Frequency) Trac on Elevator Hoist Motors Designed for geared and gearless trac on elevators.
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