Echo Electric Motors

Motor Protec on - con nued Any Size Motor ▪ Any Applica on ▪ Expert Protec on Motor Accessories & Power Transmission Products

MP8000 Bluetooth* Overload Relay ▪ Interact with relay using app on your smartphone or tablet ▪ Bluetooth communica on up to 30 feet away** ▪ Ethernet communica ons for network and remote access ▪ Single-phase and universal three-phase voltage/phase protec on ▪ Current overload and underload protec on ▪ Current unbalance ▪ Ground-fault protec on li

There's a smarter way to protect your motors. A super smart relay communicates with your smart phone via Bluetooth up to 30 feet away. Monitor and control the MP8000 through the Li elfuse MP8000 App.

No need to open the control panel. Keeps you safe from arc-flash hazards.

Stay dry, stay comfortable, stay seated.

See faults codes, reset, and configure the ralay remotely. It's as easy as your favorite app.

Control mul ple MP8000 Relays from one device.

Save me. Leave your PPE in the locker.

* Bluetooth is a trademark of its respec ve owner. ** Enclosure and smartphone or tablet type may affect connec vity range.


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