Echo Electric Motors

Motor Accessories & Power Transmission Products Motor Protec on - con nued Any Size Motor ▪ Any Applica on ▪ Expert Protec on

Advanced Motor Protection Mul -func on protec on for low and medium-voltage motors includes dynamic thermal modeling, metering, and overcurrent reduc on se ng for maintenance.

® Littelfuse MotorSaver , 777-P2 Current and Voltage Monitor ▪ 3-phase voltage/phase protec on ▪ Current overload protec on ▪ Current underload protec on ▪ Current unbalance

MPU-32 Motor Protec on Unit

MPS Motor Protec on System One of the most advanced and customizable dynamic thermal models to protect any motor in any applica on. ▪ Monitors voltage, current, power ▪ and temperature (22 motor ▪ protec on func ons) ▪ Starter control, metering, and ▪ data logging ▪ Waveform capture for be er ▪ fault analysis ▪ Overcurrent reduc on se ng ▪ for maintenance ▪ 80-character vacuum fl ▪ uorescent display ▪ Conformal coa ng, rugged ▪ extruded aluminum housing, and ▪ internal vibra on countermeasures ▪ for the harshest environments ▪ Dymanic thermal modeling ▪ Op onal RTD module. RTDs can ▪ be assigned to be stator, bearing, ▪ or ambient temperature. RTD ▪ vo ng is op onal and RTDs can ▪ bias the dynamic thermal model ▪ for more complete protecton ▪ Op onal differen al protec on ▪ Modular design makes ▪ installa on easy li

Advanced motor protec on model for larger, complex motors. Provides current and temperature protec on, data logging, and metering. ▪ Modular, compact design ▪ Overcurrent reduc on se ng for ▪ maintenance ▪ Dynamic thermal modeling ▪ 4-line, 80-character LCD display ▪ Communica ons op ons for ▪ almost any network ▪ Op onal RTD protec on ▪ Op onal differen al protec on li

▪ Ground-fault protec on ▪ Onboard display for easy ▪ programming ▪ Remote communica ons ▪ capability li


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