Echo Heating & Ventilation
Product Application Questions
Air Curtain
N on - V o lta g e/Phase: Heated / Ele c t ric al Heated / Gas Heated
______/______ ______/______ ______/______
NH / EH / GH NH / EH / GH NH / EH / GH
D oor S iz e: Width / Height
______/______ ______/______ ______/______
M oun�ng He ig ht: M oun t: On Wall or Bracketed (Away From Wall) D oor Qty: How Many Door Switches P r ess ur e: Posi � ve / Nega � ve / NA St rong W ind L o ad: Oversize Unit To Compensate
_____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________
+ / - / NA
+ / - / NA
+ / - / NA
Y / N
Y / N
Y / N
Well I n s u lated:
Y / N
Y / N
Y / N
A r ea Des crip�on :
_____________ _____________ _____________
Exhaust Fan
V o lta g e/Phase:
______/______ ______/______ ______/______
S qu a r e F oo ta g e: Length X Width
______X______ ______X______ ______X______
Ce i l ing He ig ht:
_____________ _____________ _____________
A ir Ex c ha ng e Rate: Air Turn Per Hour A ir S upp ly: Open Doors/Windows or Supply Shu � ers Weathe r H oo ds: Prevent Moisture Ge � ng In
________ t/h
________ t/h
________ t/h
D&W / SS
D&W / SS
D&W / SS
Y / N
Y / N
Y / N
M o t oriz ed S hu� e r s:
Y / N
Y / N
Y / N
A r ea Des crip�on :
_____________ _____________ _____________
Download / Print Applica�on Ques�ons Forms h�ps://�on-hea�ngven�la�on
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