Echo Electric Motors

Washdown Duty Motors Overview - con nued Washguard® Product Range

White Duck Enhanced performance in wet, humid areas ▪ Our original moisture-sheilding ▪ "duck" motor ▪ Durable USDA-approved white ▪ epoxy finish ▪ Stainless steel sha , conduit box ▪ cover, nameplate, fan guard Washguard II Motors Superior, extended life in severe environments ▪ Paint-free exterior - stainless ▪ frame and conduit box ▪ Specially processed endshields ▪ and conduit box housing

▪ Drains for all moun ng ▪ orienta ons ▪ Meets IP55 enclosure protec on

▪ Etched stainless steel nameplate ▪ Meets IP55 enclosure protec on ▪ Drains for all moun ng ▪ orienta ons

SST Duck Stainless Steel Trough for demanding washdown applica ons ▪ All exterior components of

▪ Full-fact nameplate is laser-etched ▪ on the motor frame ▪ Four loca ons for T-drains provided ▪ on each endshield ▪ Meets IP55 enclosure protec on

▪ 300-Series stainless steel, including ▪ motor frame, endshield and conduit ▪ box cas ngs ▪ Moisture resistant sealant between ▪ frame and endbells

Premium Stainless Duck Maximum service in cri cally clean or corrosive environments

▪ All exterior components of ▪ 300-Series stainless steel ▪ Endshields o-ring sealed to frame

▪ Meets IP65 enclosure protec on ▪ (SGRs) sha grounding rings ▪ Laser etched full fact nameplate

® Extreme Duck Ultra Fully encapsulated motors designed for extreme washdown condi ons ▪ Fully encapsulated stainless steel ▪ motor ▪ All exterior components are ▪ 300-Series stainless steel

▪ (SRGs) sha grounding rings ▪ Meets IP69 enclosure protec on ▪ 360° rotatable conduit box ▪ Full fact nameplate is laser etched


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