Echo Electric Motors

ABB Baldor Overview

Baldor Industry's Broadest Line of NEMA Low Voltage Motors

For nearly 100 years, we have strived to provide customers with the best value and reliability in industrial electric motors. ABB has what it takes to help every industry and applica on reach new levels of efficiency and energy savings even under the most demanding condi ons. Baldor-Reliance® motors are designed to operate reliably no ma er how challenging the process or applica on, and to have low life cycle costs. Whether it's a motor for harsh, outdoor condi ons at a petrochemical plant, or for con nuous duty in a distribu on center, customers have a variety of choices wither from stock or designed to fit specific requirements. We know there are many op ons when it comes to buying the products you need. To help maintain your compe ve edge, we offer the latest technologies to improve process reliability while driving opera ng costs to a minimum. ABB offers customers easy and fast access to product informa on and support via the web, with in-depth product literature, specific model number informa on packets; complete with spare parts lists, drawings, speed/torques curves and connec on diagrams. You may also talk with a customer service representa ve at your local sales office.


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