Echo Electric Motors
Motor Frame Informa on - con nued
NEMA Frame Suffixes C = NEMA C face moun ng (specify with or without rigid base). X D = NEMA D flange moun ng (specify with or without rigid base). X
H = Indicates a frame with a rigid base having and F dimension larger than that of the same frame without the suffix H. For example, combina on 56H base motors have moun ng holes for NEMA 56 and NEMA 143-5T and a standard H = NEMA 56 sha . H = X J = NEMA C face, threaded sha pump motor. X JM = Closed-coupled pump motor with specific dimensions and bearings. X JP = Close-coupled pump motor with specific dimensions and bearings. X M = 6-3/4" flange (oil burner). X N = 7-1/4" flange (oil burner). X T, TS = Integral horsepower NEMA standard sha dimensions if no addi onal le ers follow the "T" or "TS". X TS = Motor with NEMA standard "short sha " for belt-driven loads. X Y = Non-NEMA standard mount; a drawing is required to be sure of dimensions. Can indicate a special base, face or flange. X Z = Non-NEMA standard sha ; a drawing is required to be sure of dimensions.
Frame Prefixes Le er or numbers appearing in front of the NEMA frame number are those of the manufacturer. They have no NEMA frame significance. The significance from one manufacturer to another will vary.
Mounting Unless specified otherwise, motors can be mounted in any posi on or any angle. However, unless a drip cover is used for sha -up or sha -down applica ons, drip proof motors must be mounted in the horizontal or sidewall posi on to meet the enclosure defini on. Mount motor securely to the moun ng base of equipment or to a rigid, flat surface, preferably metallic.
©2013 Regal Beloit Corpora on. BROCHURE SB800 7572M/BH/10-13/1K/QG
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