Echo Electric Motors

Reference Electric Motor Bearing Grease

Mobil Polyrex EM X Product Descrip on

Super-premium Mobil Polyrex EM Series grease is specially formulated for electric-motor bearings. The advanced thickener formula on and proprietary manufacturing techniques provide improved bearing performance and protec on for long electric motor life. Features and Benefits Mobil Polyrex EM and Mobil Polyrex EM 103 offer the following benefits:

Advantages and Poten al Benefits


Outstanding long-life, high-temperature lubrica on of ball and roller bearings, par cularly in sealed-for -life applica ons. Increased durability versus conven onal polyurea greases when subjected to mechanical shear force. Mobil Polyrex EM and Mobil Polyrex EM 130 provide protec on against rust and corrosion. Mobil Polyrex EM provides addi onal protec on under mild salt-water wash condi ons versus Polyrex Em 103. Mobil Polyrex EM is suitable for lubrica on of ball bearings in many noise-sensi ve applica ons.

Outstanding grease life

Advanced polyurea thickener

Excellent corrosion resistance

Low-noise proper es

Applica ons Mobil Polyrex EM greases are recommended by many major bearing and electric motor manufacturers for long-life lubrica on of electric motor ball and roller bearings. Mobil Polyrex EM 103 is more specifically recommended for applica ons such as ver cally mounted bearings, or very large motors where a s ffer grease consistency may be required by the OEM, and low noise proper es are not required. Mobil Polyres EM greases have been shown to be compa ble with a number of ExxonMobil lithium complex greases, as well as compe ve electric motor mineral polyurea products, as determined by the methodology of ASTM D6185. For specific ques ons about grease compa bility, contact your Mobil representa ve. Key applica ons include:

▪ Electric motor bearings ▪ Fin fan bearings ▪ High-temperature pump bearings ▪ Factory-filled, sealed-for-life ball bearings ▪ Ball or roller bearings opera ng at high temperatures where low oil separa on is required ▪ Polyrex EM for ball or roller bearings opera ng in noise sensi ve environments

©2001 Exxon Mobil Corpora on. Mobil Polyrex EM


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