Echo Electric Motors
Reference NEC Ar cle 430 - Components in Rela onship to the Motor
Figure 430.1 (in Ar cle 430) makes it easier to find specific rules pertaining to motors, motor circuits and motor controller because it is like a table of contents to Ar cle 430. This illustra on shows the bo om half of Figure 430.1 To Supply Part II 430.24 Motor feeder 430.25, 430.26 Motor feeder
This line represents motor branch circuit conductors. The requirements are in Ar cle 430, Part II.
short-circuit and ground-fault protec on Motor disconnec ng means Motor branch-circuit short-circuit and ground-fault protec on Motor circuit conductor
Part V Part IX
This rectangle or box represents motor overload protec on. Requirements pertaining to motor overload protec on are in Ar cle 430, Part III.
Part IV Part II Part VII Part VI Part III Part III Part II 430.23 Part I
Motor controller
Motor control circuits
Motor overload protec on
Thermal protec on Secondary controller Secondary conductors Secondary resistor
Part II 430.23 and Ar cle 470 The bo om half of Figure 430.1 in Ar cle 430 shows the components or elements in rela onship to the motor.
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