Echo Electric Motors
Motor Accessories & Power Transmission Products Motor Protec on Tables - con nued Selec on of CCMR Time-Delay Fuses Based on Motor Full Load Amps
1 = Based on NEC requirement limi ng the ra ng of me-delay fuses to 175% of motor F.L.A. or 1 = next higher ra ng. 2 = Based on NEC excep on permi ng fuse ra ng to be increased, but not to exceed, 225% motor 2 = F.L.A., however per NEC Ar cle 430.52 Class CC (0-30) fuses can now be sized up to 400% of 2 = motor F.L.A. 3 = Based on Li elfuse CCMR me-delay characteris cs.
NOTE: These values were calculated for motors with Locked Rotor Current (LRA), not exceeding the following values:
An Extension of Your Team xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Technical Hotline (800-TEC-FUSE or 800-832-3873) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Li elfuse engineers are a phone call away to help iden fy poten al xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx issues and provide product recommenda ons to resolve problems. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Applica on and Field Support xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Our experienced product and applica on engineers work step-by-step xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with customers from design to installa on to determine the best solu on.
* If motor LRA varies from these values, contact Li elfuse.
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