Echo Electric Motors

Motor Protec on - con nued Any Size Motor ▪ Any Applica on ▪ Expert Protec on Motor Accessories & Power Transmission Products

Indication Increases Worker Safety

LFJ60 Series


LFR60, LFR25



LFPSJ Series

Indica ng Fuses & Fuse Blocks Increase Worker Safety ▪ Quickly see which fuse to replace, ▪ reducing maintenance me ▪ and costs

▪ Improve safety: no need to probe ▪ circuits to iden fy the opened fuse ▪ Small footprint saves space ▪ DIN-rail moun ng eases installa on




LF Series Fuse Holders Patent US8810420

Indica ng Fuses & Blocks for Motor Protec on Li elfuse offers double the amount of RK5 fuses with indica on.* Fuse

Voltage Ra ng

Interrup ng Ra ng

Ampere Ra ng

AC: 200 kA (UL) AC: 300 kA (Self-cer fied) DC: 20 kA AC: 200 kA (UL) AC: 300 kA (Self-cer fied) DC: 20 kA AC: 200 kA (UL) AC: 300 kA (Self-cer fied) DC: 20 kA AC: 200 kA (UL) AC: 300 kA (Self-cer fied) DC: 20 kA

600 VAC 300 VDC

Indica ng Class RK1 Fuse (LLSRK-ID)

1/10 to 600A

600 VAC 300 VDC

Indica ng Class RK5 Fuse (FLSR-ID)

1/10 to 600A

250 VAC 125 VDC

Indica ng Class RK5 Fuse (FLNR-ID)

35 to 600A

600 VAC 300 VDC: 8/10 - 100A 500 VDC: 110 - 600A 250 VAC (LFR25) 600 VAC (LFR60) 600 VAC (LFJ60) 600 VAC/DC (LFPSJ)

Indica ng Class J Fuse (JTD-ID)

8/10 to 600A

Class RK1, RK5 Indica ng Fuse Blocks (LFR25 Series, LFR60 Series)

0 to 600A

200 kA RMS SYM

Class J Indica ng Fuse Blocks (LFJ60 Series, LFPSJ Series)

0 to 600A (LFJ60) 30 and 60A (LFPSJ)

200 kA (LEPSJ)

* According to publicly available informa on on compe tor websites as of September 2017.


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