Echo Electric Motors
WorldWide Electric Corporation Sec on Contents
page 2
Fractional HP Motors
page 4
General Purpose Motors
4 6
Jet Pump Motors
Farm Duty Motors
page 8
Stainless Steel Fractional HP Motors
page 9
Stainless Steel / Washdown Duty Motors Premium Efficient Stainless Steel Motors
Open Drip Proof (ODP) Motors
page 13
Premium Efcient Severe Duty Motors
page 16
Explosion Proof Motors
page 21
Denite Purpose Motors
page 24
Advanced Design Rock Crusher Motors
24 25 26 28
Oil Well Pump Motors
Close Coupled Pump Motors Ver cal Hollow Sha Motors
HYUNDAI Crown Triton™ Severe Duty Motors
page 30
Motor Accessories
page 35
Motor Slide Bases
35 36
Modifica on Program
Gear Reducers
page 37
37 39
Applica on Ques onnaire for Gear Selec on
Motor Control
page 41
WorldDrive NEMA 4X VFD WCD Series NEMA 3R Panel
41 43
Sources of informa on for this sec on: ©2019 WorldWide Electric Corpora on. CWFLO032020 and GRSRO102019 ©2020 WorldWide Electric Corpora on. WMCWCD022020 ©2021 WorldWide Electric Corpora on. MD-CAT-07.2001 and GR-CAT-082021
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