Echo Electric Motors

Manufacturer Line CardII
WorldWide Electric Corporation1
Fractional HP Motors4
Farm Duty Motors8
Stainless Steel Fractional HP Motors9
Open Drip Proof (ODP) Motors13
Premium Efficient Severe Duty Motors16
Explosion Proof Motors21
Definite Purpose Motors24
HYUNDAI Crown Triton Severe Duty Motors30
Motor Accessories35
Gear Reducers37
Motor Control41
ABB Baldor45
Definite Purpose Motors47
General Purpose Motors48
Farm Duty Motors56
Pump Motors66
ABB Motor Data68
Leeson Motors by Regal71
Agricultural Duty Motors74
Washdown Duty Motors80
Leeson Motor Data84
HVAC/R, Belted Fan & Blower, Air Compressor Motors87
EconoMaster HVAC Motors by Regal Overview88
EconoMaster Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Motors90
EconoMaster Refrigeration Motors93
US Motors Belted Fan & Blower Motors94
Marathon Air Compresson Motors95
Motor Accessories & Power Transmission Products97
Start & Run Capacitors98
Motor Protection102
Straight Blade & Twist Lock NEMA Configuration Table117
Sheaves Selection Guide119
Motor Drive Couplings127
Locked Rotor Code Letters & Reduced Voltage Starting Methods130
NEC Article 430 Components in Relationship to the Motor133
Basic Wiring for Motor Control134
Motor Guidelines for Belted Applications138
Belt & Pulley Equations140
Converting Electrical Horsepower to Kilowatts140
Fractional / Decimal / Metric Equivalents141
Bearing Dimensions142
Electric Motor Bearing Grease143
Typical Motor Failures145
AC & DC Motor Troubleshooting146
Motor Nameplate Data & Information149
Motor Frame Information150
Common Motor Types & Typical Applications152
Quick Motor Tips155

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